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Dennis D. Feeheley is the noted communication       expert, world adventure traveler, and author of   Travelin Man:  Across the Sahara  and Beyond . 


His compelling travel memoir reached #51

on's list of travel best sellers.  

The book is available world-wide.  Order it today!










"The will and determination of the human spirit shines." 

                      - Jeff Liebsch ; Editor, Busan HAPS Magazine  





Thanks for stopping by the site.  Let us introduce author Dennis Feeheley...


'Travelin Man' Dennis D. Feeheley has traveled to many remote corners of the world such as to .... Asia,  Africa, Europe, Middle East, North America,  the Sahara Desert and rugged travel behind the 'Iron Curtain' during the Cold War.


Feeheley' background includes diverse work experience from his younger travelin days up to the present ....

He was the founder and CEO of Primex International Trade Corp, a business consultant, university lecturer and a legislative coorespondent on Capitol Hill in Wash DC  - as well as driving a cement

mixer, being a short order cook and driving a cab.



The book Travelin Man Across the Sahara and Beyond  is the true story of a rather incredible 3,000 mile travel adventure the author had as a 19 year old teenager.  All done with $175...


"After years of telling people of the extraordinary adventure my brother John and I experienced trekking through Europe, then stowing away across the Mediterrean Sea  before hitch-hiking 1,000 miles across the Sahara Desert...  And after years of people telling me I should write a book about it.  Finally one day I decided to do just that."


This book is the result. 


                  I hope you enjoy it !

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